Paradigm Induced Blindness

[par-uh-dahym in-doos blahynd-nis]

Definition of Paradigm Induced Blindness

When a person follows a process ‘blindly’ because the process is so convoluted it just overloads the person’s head.


Many organizations seek to create hybridized agile approaches that are best of breed based on a limited amount of supporting evidence, the result is often paradigm induced blindness.

When the process paradigm causes cognitive overload and the recipient stops paying attention and just follows the process rules with minimal inspection and adaption, we call this paradigm induced blindness.

When the scope of potential or plausible responses is limited by process. Choosing from that self-limited scope of responses will lead to confirmation bias through what's called "Truth Effect", or in effect "believe something long enough, it becomes true", and therefore reinforcing the confirmation biases into future decisions that are made.

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"Paradigm Induced Blindness" Accessed Feb 16, 2025.