Definition of Done (DoD)

[def-uh-nish-uh n uhv duhn]

Definition of Definition of Done (DoD)

Synonym for “Done”;

Often used erroneously as a synonym for Standard of Care.


Definition of Done: 1. Sam will meet with the Team for 15 minutes after the Daily Scrum to discuss the issues they are worried about (2 total hours) 2. Sam will spend 4 hours exploring CUTLASS to resolve these issues, and will have a one‑hour discussion with the Team about what he finds and to discover further issues (12 total hours) 3. Sam and the Team will repeat Step 2 at most 3 times until the Team is satisfied with Sam’s knowledge.

A strong Definition of Done that is continuously improved is a hallmark of a high performing agile team. (synonym for Standard of Care)

The Definition of Done is often common across Stories that are of the same Storyotype. (synonym for Standard of Care)

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"Definition of Done (DoD)" Accessed Feb 16, 2025.